Schreiber Translations, Inc.

We accept the following forms of payment

1. e-Check / ACH

Pay by e-check/ACH

You will need the STI Invoice number for online payment.

2. Check or Money Order

You can mail it to us at:

Schreiber Translations
51 Monroe Street
Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20850

Make checks payable to “Schreiber Translations, Inc.”
Also, please include the STI Invoice number on your check.

3. Credit Card

We accept Mastercard, Visa, and American Express

Pay by credit card

You will need the STI Invoice number for online payment.

Thank you for trusting Schreiber Translations.


If you have any questions about these payment methods or about your invoice, please contact our Accounting Department:

Translator Inquiry

(301) 424-7737 ext. 114/100


(301) 424-7737 ext. 124

If you are paying online, please allow one to two days after the invoice date for your invoice to be available in the system for payment. Thank you.